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Morning Musume,

Niigaki Risa,

Michishige Sayumi,

Tanaka Reina,

Mitsui Aika,

Fukumura Mizuki,


Sayashi Riho,

Ikuta Erina,

Suzuki Kanon,

Takahashi Ai,
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Uploaded on 04-January 11
By lalasoso
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Picture size: 476x699

Picboard: Hello!Project   
Comments (Showing the latest 5 of 27)
Surenda  05-January 11
what happened to the YA from yasshii, lol looks like a deformed and mirrored MO
But with enough fantasy and 30 seconds staring, I could identify it as a YA too, lol
azrazae  05-January 11
^ lmao me too. I thought it was a sloppy "chi"
coolhwoarang  06-January 11
i thought i was the only one who think Ai-chan's handwriting is really bad
NirvanaRama  06-January 11
I'm going to give her the benefit of the doubt, because it looks like she used Paint to write the names. And it's really hard to write letters using a mouse...
ninety9nights  06-January 11
She used an iPhone application.

Niigaki Risa,

Michishige Sayumi,

Tanaka Reina,

Yoshizawa Hitomi,

Miyamoto Karin,

Sayashi Riho,

Ikuta Erina,

Suzuki Kanon,

Takahashi Ai,
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Uploaded on 04-January 11
By lalasoso
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Picture size: 610x917

Picboard: Hello!Project 
Comments (Showing the latest 4 of 4)
Pudd-san  04-January 11
Such a cutie! :3
BerryzBuddy  05-January 11
Who Yossie or the other girl? I vote Yossie ^_^
ninety9nights  05-January 11
Agreed. Sayu's indeed a cutie.
Pudd-san  05-January 11
All of them are cuties! :D

Morning Musume,

Niigaki Risa,

Michishige Sayumi,

Tanaka Reina,

Ishikawa Rika,

Kusumi Koharu,

Fujimoto Miki,

Kamei Eri,

Abe Natsumi,

Goto Maki,

Tsuji Nozomi,

Konno Asami,

Yaguchi Mari,

Mitsui Aika,

Iida Kaori,

"Li Chun, Junjun",

Yoshizawa Hitomi,

"Qian Lin, Linlin",

Ogawa Makoto,

Nakazawa Yuko,

Yasuda Kei,

Fukuda Asuka,

Kago Ai,

Ishiguro Aya,

Ichii Sayaka,

Fukumura Mizuki,

Sayashi Riho,

Ikuta Erina,

Suzuki Kanon,

Takahashi Ai,
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Uploaded on 04-January 11
By Nayok-Kihara
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Picture size: 1280x644
Picboard: Hello!Project 

Morning Musume,

Niigaki Risa,

Michishige Sayumi,

Tanaka Reina,

Mitsui Aika,

Fukumura Mizuki,


Sayashi Riho,

Ikuta Erina,

Suzuki Kanon,

Takahashi Ai,
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Uploaded on 03-January 11
By Nayok-Kihara
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Picture size: 800x600
Picboard: Hello!Project 

Niigaki Risa,

Michishige Sayumi,

Tanaka Reina,

Fukumura Mizuki,

Tanabe Nanami,

Kudo Haruka,

Sayashi Riho,

Ikuta Erina,

Suzuki Kanon,

Takahashi Ai,
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Uploaded on 02-January 11
By Nayok-Kihara
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Picture size: 450x347

Picboard: Hello!Project 
Comments (Showing the latest 5 of 7)
carrls  03-January 11
I can't wait to watch this concert!!!!
I'm ultra excited about all this!!
This wasn't televised was it???
Jeez, the wait is killing me already!!!
Bijo Gaku, please cover this!!!!
lazyパンダ  03-January 11
I wonder if Mizuki knew?
faerirose  03-January 11
I infer from articles I've read that Mizu didn't know. The articles said that Tsunku "surprised" her with it. That, and the pic I've seen of her crying and Ai doing the leader comfort thing.
celestia414  03-January 11
She didn't know. Before he announces her Tsunku says it's a surprise to the girl herself too
konno&sakura  04-January 11
I don't know what Karin think,

Maybe she don't know she is the best member to join Mm

Niigaki Risa,

Michishige Sayumi,

Tanaka Reina,

Mitsui Aika,

Sayashi Riho,

Ikuta Erina,

Suzuki Kanon,

Takahashi Ai,
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Uploaded on 02-January 11
By Nayok-Kihara
View all pictures by this user
Picture size: 450x345
Picboard: Hello!Project 

Morning Musume,

Niigaki Risa,

Michishige Sayumi,

Tanaka Reina,

Yoshizawa Hitomi,

Fukumura Mizuki,

Sayashi Riho,

Ikuta Erina,

Suzuki Kanon,

Takahashi Ai,
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Uploaded on 02-January 11
By Chobineko
View all pictures by this user
Picture size: 610x917

Picboard: Hello!Project 

Hello! Project Winter 2011
Comments (Showing the latest 5 of 11)
tvheadd  03-January 11
call it a conflict of personal tastes, i just don't like little girls in my idol groups. i was a bit more tolerant of this when i was younger, but now? well, not so much. but it's not all bad, MM may have little girls now, but soon the little girls, they grow up. and when that happens, i'll be around again. you can count on it.
Aly B  03-January 11
^But by then, I'm sure there will be more little girls.

I'm glad MM has babies again. ^_^
QuickCrusader  03-January 11
Fukumura Mizuki in? i'm so interested. glad they make those decision.
chocopancake  03-January 11
^^^ im with you in this,i support momusu and the new girls im so happy for the 9th gen,but im growing up to =( im kinda confussed about it.
erindm  04-January 11
Ah, I see what you mean now, tvheadd (and chocopancake). I thought you just didn't like Mizkui because she was an egg. That there are younger girls now does worry me a bit because I don't know what will happen to MM's sound. But I figure that if I liked most of MM's past songs where some members were quite young, I'll like their future songs. In any case, I'll stick with Aichan forever.

Morning Musume,

Niigaki Risa,

Michishige Sayumi,

Tanaka Reina,

Mitsui Aika,

Fukumura Mizuki,

Sayashi Riho,

Ikuta Erina,

Suzuki Kanon,

Takahashi Ai,
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Uploaded on 02-January 11
By Chobineko
View all pictures by this user
Picture size: 610x405

Picboard: Hello!Project 

Hello! Project Winter 2011
Comments (Showing the latest 5 of 12)
iheartmomusu  02-January 11
Reina is said to be really kind to her kouhai or something like that. After seeing her interact with the younger H!P members and hearing the younger members' thoughts on Reina (especially Linlin's) I have to agree with that.

Mizuki already has experience as an egg. I doubt she would need that much coaching.
erindm  02-January 11
Reina is Reina. She can be scary at times, but also very kind. And like the other "older" members, she has a lot of experience with being an idol and whatnot. I think she would make an excellent senpai.

But I don't know if Aichan will be senpai to a specific member. She's more of a general senpai to everyone because she is the leader.
lazyパンダ  03-January 11
Riho is in between Ai and Reina... what could that mean??? (O__O)

chocopancake  03-January 11
omg =,= Reina is a person, obvious she can got mad sometimes,and care about others too...that doesnt mean she is a scary girl
chriiiistopher  04-January 11
I hope a mini-Sayumi emerges from these new girls with a strong cute personality. Hehehe~!

Morning Musume,

Niigaki Risa,

Michishige Sayumi,

Tanaka Reina,

Mitsui Aika,

Yoshizawa Hitomi,

Fukumura Mizuki,


Sayashi Riho,

Ikuta Erina,

Suzuki Kanon,

Takahashi Ai,
Upload Information
Uploaded on 02-January 11
By Chobineko
View all pictures by this user
Picture size: 610x406
Picboard: Hello!Project 

Niigaki Risa,

Michishige Sayumi,

Tanaka Reina,

Fukumura Mizuki,

Sayashi Riho,

Ikuta Erina,

Suzuki Kanon,

Takahashi Ai,
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Uploaded on 02-January 11
By Chobineko
View all pictures by this user
Picture size: 610x405
Picboard: Hello!Project 

Hello! Project Winter 2011
Comments (Showing the latest 5 of 5)
theonlyfiona  02-January 11
Awwww ;___;
I'm so happy she got in!!!
Pudd-san  02-January 11
So cute! Ai and Gaki comforting Princess Mizuki <3
Glasseyelashes  02-January 11
i know the main focus should be on the new girls, but look and reina. she looks shocked out of her mind!
chaosangelz  03-January 11
Sayus like fu*k this im going to see kame XD
Geheimaccount  04-January 11
^ and Reina is like, please don't go! I'm your new lover! :(

Michishige Sayumi,

Tanaka Reina,

Sayashi Riho,

Ikuta Erina,

Suzuki Kanon,
Upload Information
Uploaded on 02-January 11
By Nayok-Kihara
View all pictures by this user
Picture size: 456x500

Picboard: Hello!Project 
Comments (Showing the latest 5 of 25)
WotaJinKun  02-January 11
well alot of ppl do tho, girls....
we just gotta learn to accept eachother, we gotta accept some ppl dont like sum stuff but we all like the big picture, and in doing os we can grow as ppl :D
Eeyore  02-January 11
Is it me or are all the 9th Gen only about 4-feet tall so far? Although at only 12 or 13 they have time to overtake Ai-chan!! :D
iheartmomusu  02-January 11
^I'm sure they'll grow to be taller than ai-chan XD They're only in their preteens afterall, they have time to grow. Mizuki seems taller than ai-chan even without heels lol.
Glasseyelashes  02-January 11
wotajinkun: don't worry about what i think, or don't think about aichan. if you've frequented here on the picboard, you'll see my comments and find out just how i feel about aichan. (check my profile page too) just remember some of the comments you're making are about children.

^ i bet aichan feels pretty good right about now....until the girls surpass her in height. ><
theonlyfiona  03-January 11
^ It's not that hard to surpass Aichan in height :3 Good things come in small packages.

Also wtf @ that Mokujin-kun or whatever his name is. You know what I mean.
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